Standard 3 - Planning and Implementation.

Planning and Instruction
Physical education teacher candidates plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local state, and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students.

Artifact: Lesson Plan

Date: Spring '15

Reflection: This Lesson plan demonstrates my ability to plan and implement appropriate learning experiences that address both the standards given to me and the needs of my students. In the beginning of the lesson plan all of the NYSAPHERD and NASPE standards are laid out and appropriately incorporated into the lesson. During the actual lesson I use the lesson plan as a guide to teach the class and adapt it to my students and any questions they may have.

PEP 304: Technology in PE
Lesson Plan

Name: Russell Peralta

Lesson Name: Continuous Kickball

Equipment: 30 pinnies (15 red, 15 blue), 5 cones, 3 gatorballs

NYSAHPERD Standards Met:
Standard 1 - Personal Health and Fitness
  • Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.
Standard 2 - A Safe and Healthy Environment
  • Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
Standard 3 - Resource Management
  • Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.
NASPE Standards Met:
Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to
     movement and performance.

Standard 3 - The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-
     enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-      
    expression and/or social interaction.

Lesson Objectives: (situation, task, criteria):
    Ex. During class, students will demonstrate a proper kicking motion (step next to ball, opposite foot pointing toward target,   
   kick ball with the inside of foot, follow through) 3 out of 5 times).

Cognitive (understanding knowledge): During class students will be leaning new concepts of the game continuous kickball. This will be shown through teacher observation while the students are playing.

Psychomotor (performance/demonstrates): During class students will learn how to run to an objective while avoiding obstacles, this will be shown through teacher observation

Affective (interpersonal skills): During class the students will learn teamwork by passing the ball to one another. This will be shown by asking questions at closure

Safety Statement:  Make sure shoes are dry. When running around the cone make sure that running towards the cone everybody is on the left side, and running away from the cone everybody is on the right side; this is to avoid any potential collisions. When throwing a ball avoid hitting the head.

Lesson Content:
Introduction of class:
Hello class, my name is Mr. Peralta and today we are going to play a game called continuous kickball!
Does anybody think they have heard of continuous kickball before?
Before we get into how to play we are going to talk about teamwork, can anybody explain to me the idea of teamwork?
Team work is the idea that everybody works together to reach a given goal, can anybody tell me why teamwork might be important?
Teamwork lets everybody have fun together and helps everybody become better friends!

Game Rules:
So now let’s talk about continuous kickball. During this game we will have two teams, a red team and a blue team. The team that is running will only have one kick, and once that first kicker passes the second line(point out) on the court the next person in line is allowed to start running, once they pass the second line the next person can go and so on. The runners must run on the left side of the cone(point out) until they run around the backside of it and run down the right side back to the starting point or “home”(point out) Players on the defending team must tag the runners with the ball or throw the ball at them; However defenders who have the ball are not allowed to move with it, they may pivot(demonstrate). When throwing a ball at a runner you are not allowed to hit them in the head, if this happens the runner will not be out. However, if a runner ducks their head into a ball (demonstrate) they will be considered out. I will call out if people are out and I will keep track of the amount per round. Each team can also have a designated point keeper to keep track of their teams score. The point system of this game is based on amount of people out, not the amount of people who made it home safe; so the team with the lower score will be the winner. Now remember though, this game is not about winning or losing, but it’s about working together with your team. Boundaries are the basketball court lines, if you get out you should remove yourself from the play area by moving out of the lines. Does anybody have any questions?
During play provide feedback on good throws/dodges/kicks/passes
Play two full rounds (if time allows) and bring in for closure
Heart rates.
Did you all have fun?
Can anybody tell me the name of the game we just played?
What were some safety concerns during continuous kickball?
Can anybody tell me what teamwork is and why is it important?

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